
Estimate Your Amazon Sales with Confidence

Use our sales estimator to gain insights on monthly sales for various Amazon categories. Perfect for understanding market competition.

Sales Estimator Preview
Pet Products
Home and Kitchen
Clothing and Jewelry
Grocery and Food
Industrial Products


Amazon Categories Covered


Sales Estimates Available for Free


Accurate Estimates

Amazon Sales Estimator

The Sales Estimator Tool is an excellent resource for estimating average monthly sales in various Amazon categories. It also provides an easy way to monitor your competition.

0/3 Free estimates

Estimated Sales per Month


Comprehensive Sales Estimation Insights

Our sales estimator tool provides detailed insights to understand monthly sales trends and competitive landscape.

Category-Based Estimation

Get sales estimates across various Amazon categories with real-time rank inputs.

Competitive Insights

Analyze competitors' sales volumes and monitor performance within your category.

Free Trial & Paid Options

Enjoy 3 free estimates to explore our tool, with options for additional estimates in premium plans.


Analyze Sales by Product Category

Our sales estimator provides tailored insights for popular Amazon categories to help you understand market demand.

  • Pet Supplies, Clothing, Jewelry, and more
  • Real-time data for accurate estimates
  • Category-specific benchmarks
Category Insights

Other Features


Discover top-selling products in your category.

Margin Calculator

Determine profit margins to maximize profitability.

Single Product Insights

Get detailed insights on individual products.

Product Database

Filter and compare a wide range of products.

Sales Estimator

Forecast sales based on rank, category, or ASIN.

Amazon Connect

View Amazon inventory, orders and ads revenue, all-in-one-place.

Listing Geniee

Analyse/Build listings with AI.

Cost Price Predictor

Predict ideal acquisition prices for products.

Category Best Bet

Identify the best opportunities in your category.

Compliance Geniee

Ensure products meet regulatory requirements.

Start Estimating Your Sales with Export Geniee's Free Trials!